Our trails remain open Tuesday - Sunday from 8:00 am - 5:00 pm.
The Nature Center is currently closed. Please note that staff will be limited on Thanksgiving Day, so please hike at your own risk. If you have an emergency, please dial 911.
We ask that if you are not already a member of Ruffner Mountain to please pay the $3 use fee on Venmo (@ruffnertrailfee) or at our website https://ruffnermountain.org/support.
If the parking lot at the Nature Center is full, the preserve is at capacity. Please visit Ruffner Mountain at another time. Do not park along 81st Street.
For the safety of all, we recommend hiking only with your household - no group hikes, please.
Thank you for your consideration and from all of us at Ruffner Mountain, have a safe and peaceful holiday!
Photo by Michelle Reynolds