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Emily and Ziggy need your newspaper donations! Newspapers provide clean, dry, easily-replaceable substrate for captive animal enclosures, and newspaper donations are a constant need for Ruffner animal care specialists. Please make your donations — Tuesdays through Sundays, anytime between 7 AM - 5 PM, from now until February. You’ll find the donation bin near the front door of the Nature Center.

The end of an era — In February 2023, Alabama Media Group, which includes the Birmingham News, will stop printing physical newspapers. The News is the most commonly-donated newspaper locally, and many organizations will lose their biggest source of newspaper substrate starting next month. We urge you to donate them to organizations that will be sorely in need of them in the coming years, as newspaper will be harder to come by and more expensive to obtain. Give your favorite organization with animals a call to ask if they could use your newspapers.