To each and every one of our members, thank you. Your support makes possible the daily operations on the Mountain and allows Ruffner to continue its mission of advancing the understanding of ecology in a rapidly changing world.

List updated April 3rd, 2022.

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z



Tessa Abdoli
S Nadeau, J Hurley, A & A Abeyta
Julia Adams
Kris Adams
Ona Adams
Kami Adamson
Sarah Adkins-Jablonsky
Edmund Rucker Agee
Kelli Agnew
Claire Ahalt
Robert Aland
Sherrie D Alexander
Justin Allen
Pritchard Allen
Mary Ambridge
MJ Ambrose
Regina Ammon
Mitch Wyatt and Naomi Anderegg
Betty Anderson

Joshua Anderson
Laura Anderson
Robin K Anderson
Sierra Anderson
Robert A and Kathleen Angus
Carol Apol
Virginia Applebaum
Alina Denise Arbuthnot
Samantha and Jansen Arceneaux
Kenneth Archambault
Karen Arnold
Garnet Ratliff Arroyo
Lauren Ashburner Watters
Vickie Ashford-Thompson
Melissa Atkinson
Randy Aust
Erika Austin
Heather Austin


Clay Jones and Joe Babin
Dianne Baer
Alexandrea Davenport and
Meredith Bagley
Dan Bailey
Jake C Bailey
Talitha Bailey
Fleming Bails
David and Martha Bains
Kay and Lee Bains
Patricia Baker
Tony and Trisha Baker
Suzanne Baker
Kristin Bakkegard
Anne Balch
Sabrina Balch
Stephanie Bamberg
Denise Rice Banks
Bill and Lindsey Barclift
Rob Bare
Joni Barnett
Michael and Fergus Barnett
Dave Barnhart
Susan Barrow
Samm Bartee
Matthew Barthold
Sabina Barton
Natalie Barton Valentine
Bruce Barze
Scott Batchelor
Linda Baucher
Mark Carson and Susan Baum
Carter Bauman
Debra Baxter Cooper
Joshua Beach
Matthew and Kaleigh
Paul Beasley
Kaylee and Samford
Jason Beck
Bryan Becker
Sawyer Beckworth
Jan Belcher
Elliot and Bette Bell
Philip Bell
Tracy Bell

Lillis Taylor and Lloyd Bricken
Bari Bridges
Amanda Bridges-Dunn
Jordan Broadhead
Janet Bronstein
Nelson and Liz Brooke
Andrew and Lauren Brown
Brandy Brown
Christopher and Susan Brown
Haden Brown
Jaclyn Brown
Joel and Robin Brown
Kelcie Brown
Randy Brown
Zachary Brown
Sarah Browne
Ila Broyles
Brita Brudvig
Kirsten Bryant
Thomas Bryant
Christine Bryant-Harden
David and Camille Bryson
Jesse Bryson
James R Buchanan
Felicia Buck
Cody Bueche
Scott Burkowski
Matthew Burks
Parker Burks
Rachael Burrow
Jodi Burrus
Lisa and John Burton
Amanda Busbee
Carol Butler
Greg Butler

Brian Bellenger
Pam Belrose
Stephen Benesh
Jay and Ellen Bennett
Jeffrey Bennett
Ann Benton
Cason Benton
Roland and Mary Bergeron
Anne Wheeler and Richard
Hana Berres
Camille Berry
Nick Bertanzetti
Dana Biddy
Birmingham Mountain Radio
Jason and Anna Marie Bittle
Margaret Blackmon
Melissa Blackston
Beth Blackwell
Casey Blighton
Christian Bloom
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of
Elizabeth and Conrad Blunck
Mary and Chris Boehm
Amanda Boggan
Ned and Paula Boggan
Lisa Booher
Edwin Booth
Mary Booth
Ford Boozer
Santiago Borasino
Alexia Borden
Jeffery Bornemann
Katie Boswell
Ryan and Kelly Boyer
Clyde Boykin
Joe Bradsher
Brantley Family
Terry Brasfield
Brasfield & Gorrie, L.L.C.
Marissa Brasher
Jamie Brasher Phillips
Marcie Braswell
Ronny Braswell
John Breckenridge
Matt and Georgia Brennan


Rachel Callahan
Andy and Elizabeth Campbell
Kyle Campbell
Sydney Carachure Echeverria
Colin Carbis
Clarence Carlton
Trey Carnes
Nicole Carpenter
Alia Carter
Andrew Carter
Christy Carter
Damon Carter
Ferrell Carter
Sam Cartner
Lisa Casey
Brian Cash
Dawn Cassizzi
Marcus Cathey
Jason and Adrienne Cato
Kelli Caulfield
Jon Chalmers
George Chambers
Jill Chambers
Hafiz and Orooj Chandiwala
Dylan Haynes and Jake
Vitaly Charny
W Winn Chatham
Mike Chen
David Cherry
Jane Chiles
Jeff and Kelly Chopin
Church Street Coffee and
Jeff Clanton
Davis Clark
Jessica Clark
Kellie Clark
Tancia Clark
Matthew Clarkson

Susan Cleage
Gabe Clements
Jon and Frances Clemmensen
Greg and Dani Clemmons
Robyn Clifton White
John and Linda Cline
Andrew Clingan
Jason Clotfelter
Susan and Reid Cloud
Erin Clyburn
Matthew Cobia
Brian Cocke
Mitchell Cohen
Scott A Cohen
Scott J Cohen
Randy Coker
David Cole
Andy Coleman
CG Collier
Ashley Collins
Scotty Colson
Melanie and Earl Colvin
Steve Colvin
Paul and Dana Compton
Glen and Linda Connor
Joan Conway
Courtney Cook
Chloe Cooksey
Douglas and Nancy Cooper
Harold Cooper
Lauren and Preston Cooper
Randell Cooper
Kathryn and Allen Corey
Robert Corey
Jeff Cornelius
Karl Cornelius
Tim Cornelius
Brian and Kim Cornett
Victoria Correa
Arthur Cortes

Tom and Gail Cosby
Kalee and John Cotten
Laura Cotten
TJ Cottingham
Brent Cotton
Halley Cotton
Alberto and Maggie
Patty Covington
Anne Cowin
Gwen Cox
Michael Cox
Amy Forsee and John Coyle
Jackie and Adam Crandall
Bart Crawford
Christopher Crawford
Brandon Crawford Smith
Shannon Crenshaw
Jill Crocker
Katie Crooks
Jay Crosby
Analaria Crotser
Robert Crowell
Erika Crowley
Andrew Crump
Steven Cullen
Rob Culpepper
Elaine Culver
Cathleen Cummings
Gilmer Cummings
Lilly Curran
Priscilla and Ellery Curtis
Anne and Bruce Cusic
Roy and Karen Custred


Meegan Dale
Jessica Dallow
Hilary D Daly
Douglas Dalzell
Missa and Anna Damiens
Rachel Daniel
Addrieunna Daniels
Mary Danner Harmon
Jim Dargan
Ian Davey
Maura Davies
Chris, Benita, Jake, and
Taylor Davis
Elaine Davis
James Davis
Jettye and Jon Davis
Lea Davis
William Davis
Dana Dawson
Frank and Joan Dawson
Marla Dean
Jennifer DeBerry
Mark Deierhoi
Laney DeJonge
Laura Lou Delehanty
Jon DeLeonardo

Tori Dempsey
Nicholas Denard
Thomas Dennis
Christine Denniston
Becky Denny
Micah Derocher
Dariana Dervis
Daniel DeVaughn
DeVaughn Family
Todd DeVore
Raven Dewitt
Ian Dexter
Jhalak Dholakia
Ian Diament
Ellen Diethelm
Robert Dillard
Lisa Dimperio
Michael Disko
Dianna Dison
Marilyn and Jim Dixon
Amy and William Dobbins
John Dobbs
Danielle Dodson
David and Martha Dodson
Denise and John Dodson
Helen and Devin Dolive

Rachael Dollins
Carey Donaldson
Ricardo DonAlexis
Britney Donze
Neil Doppler
John Dorlon
Nick Dorman
David Dorn
John Douglas
Sean Douglas
Amy Dowdey
Ben Dowdey
Lestley Drake
Nathan Dreger
Julien Drogoul
Linda Duckworth
Scot and Virginia Duncan
Mark Dunlap
Dunn-French Foundation
Emily C Dykes


Kav and Jennifer Eldredge
Ashley Eldridge
Liz Elkan
Scottie Elkins
Lois England
Bill Ennis
Ben and Ellen Erdreich
Brian Erwin
Paul Erwin
Nathan and Dale Eshelman
Marylyn Eubank
Lauren and Stephen Evans

Meagen Earl
Haley Easterwood
Jillian Echols
Trey Echols
Madeline Eckenrode
Jacqueline Edge
Shelly Edge-McDonald
Lindsey Edmond
Carol and Everett Edwards
Ivey Edwards
Peter Egli
Matthew Ehrlich
Paul Eknes-Tucker


Cori Fain
Brianna Farris
Cole Farris
Oscar Febres
Leigh Fechter
Katie Finley
Matthew Finley
Frederick and Anne Fish
Phillip Fisher
Karen Fitzpatrick
David and Laura Fleenor
Charles Fleischmann
Morgan Fleming Oldham
June Fletcher
Kate Fluker
Bill and Sue Foisy
Katie Ford
Meg Ford
Felix Ford
Felix Foret
Kirk and Tate Forrester

Tom and Mopsy Forsee
Mary Foster
Taylor and Ben Foster
Walton Foster
William Foster
Chelsea A Fournet
Kat Fowler
Elizabeth Fox
Tim Fram
Stuart Frandsen
Denson Franklin
Louis Franks
Timothy Frazier
Andy Freeland
Kathy Freeland
Will and Liesel French
Milton Fritts
Friends of Shades Creek
Christopher Funderburk
Dave and Stefanie Funk


Katelyn Gallagher
Trip and Katherine Galloway
Brian Garitty
Patrick Garman
Bree Garrett
John Mark Garrigan
Lanier and Larry Gartland
Drusilla Gassenheimer
David and Yvonne Gauntt
Morgan Gayle
Susan Gentle
Chad Gentry
Dorothy George
Dorothy Gerard
Neal and Jenn Gerhart
Lynn Geter
Rachel Gevlin
Biz Ghormley
Natalie Gibney
Mark and Denise Gibson
Jaime Gilbert
Mary Gilbert
Will Gilbert
LaRita Giles Lee
Richard Mack and Alan

James and Geraldine Gillespy
Brent Gilliland
John Gilliom
Melanie and Stace Ginn
Maria Glaser
Michael Glaser
David Glasgow
Heidi Mae Glassie Johnson
Michael and Jeannine Glenn
Brandon Glover
Paul Goepfert
Mark Golden
Joseph and Sarah Goodman
Grace Goodrich
Mike and Gillian Goodrich
Jeremy Gordinier
Jody Gottlieb
Burel Goodin and Marissa
Steve and Karen Gowins
Tim Gowins
Johnie Grace
Lauren and Taylor Graham
Stephen Graveling
Diane Gray

Leesa Green
Todd and Shawnie Green
Zeph Leggett and Lauren
Green Rock, LLC
Dan Greenough
John and Beth Gregory
Maggie Grier
Gwendolyn Griffin
Tena Griffin
Vanessa Griffin
David Griffith
Melanie Grinney
Francesca Gross
Scott Grover
Steven Guerdat
Michael Guilsher
Matthew Bright and Niki Guin
Kris Gutierrez


Anne Morris Hackney
Virginia Hackney
Randall Haddock
James Bonner and Coralie
Brandon Haley
Banks and Beth Haley
April Hall
Frank Hamby
Josh Hamilton
Kate Hamilton
Kista Hamilton
Stan and Dana Hamilton
Shane Hamlin
Susan Hammack
Daniel Hampton
Michelle Hamrick
Gregory Hand
Herbie Handal
Collin and Lauren Hansen
Victoria Hansen
Julia-Rae Hanson
Andrew Hard
Avril Harder
Wick Harlan
Helen and Chris Harmon
Renee Harmon
Rona Harper
Nancy Harrington
Bridgett and Matt Harris
Joel and Candice Harris
Kimeron Roberts and Nathan
William Harris
Xiola Harris
Kevin Harrison
Jeff Hart
Kent Hartzog
Todd Harvey
Doris Hatch

Jennifer Hatchett
Ed Hawkins
James Haynes
Paulette Haywood Ogard
Amita Hazariwala
Gus Heard-Hughes
Jessica Heine
Robert Heithaus
Dane and Daniela Hellwig
Suzanne Helmick
Linda Henckell
Shannon Henderson
Howard Hendrickson
Craig Hennecy
Carlos Hernandez
Em Herr
David Herring
Marla Herring
Lisa Herriott
David Hezlep
Samuel Hickmott
Brent Hicks
Linda Hicks
Larry and Melanie Hightower
Jimmy Scott Hill
Lee Hilliard
Chris Hines
Jessica Hines
Stephen Hines
David E Hirschowitz, Kaaren
Hirschowitz Engel Advised
Fund of The Community
Foundation of Middle
James Hodges
Christine Hoene
Paul Hoffman
Kara Hofheins
Jo Hofmann
Ellen Holladay

Carrie Holley
Jill Holley
Patrick Hollifield
Bill and Linda Holman
Chris Holmes
Matthew Holmes
TJ Holmes
Sarah Holsombeck
Jen and Davies Hood
Paul Hood
Patrick Horn
Lia Horton
Bill Host
Kristi Houk
Jamie House
Niki Houston
Lee Howard
Jennifer Howell
Paul and Brook Hubner
Leah Hudgins
Jacob and Kelly Huggart
Wesley Wheeler and
McKenzie Huggins
Jameson and Nancy Hughes
Jon Hughes
MC Hughes
Laura Hughie
Mark Hume
Kyle Humphrey
Carol Hunt
Joseph Hunt
Steve and Stephanie Hunt
Hugh and Marygray Hunter
Matthew Hunter
Tyler Hurd
Yuhling Hwang
Foster and Lauren Hyde


Lee Irwin
Kristen Iskandrian
Matt and Ashlie Ithurburn


Stacia Jacks
Cheryl Jackson
Elizabeth Jackson
Greg and Debra Jackson
Hunter Jackson
Jeanne and Mark Jackson
Jordan Jackson
Philip Jackson
Michael Jacobs
Gudrun Jacobsen
Frannie James
Caroline and Paul Janeway
Wendy Jarvis
Sarah Jassim
Julian Jeanneau
Brooke Anne Jennings
Taylor Jennings
Beth Johns
Chris Johnson
Hallett and Amy Johnson
Terri Johnson
Wilbur Johnson

Carden Johnston
Christine and Adam Johnston
Duquette Johnston
Heidi Johnston
Jim Johnston
Earl and Ann Jones
Gareth Jones
Jimmy Jones
Jessy Jones
Kim Jones
Phillip G Jones
Preston and Laura Jones
Robert Jones
Rosalind Jones
Tasheenma Jones
Valerie M Jones
Wes Jones
Andy Jordan
Thomas Jordan
Misty Joseph
Paul Amand Jourdan
Margaret Juliana


Megan Kiedrowski
Eileen Kiernan
Tim King
Naomi Kipp
Carl John Klehm
Eva Knapp
Robert Knight
Jenny Knott
James Knowles
Chez Knox
Michael Knox
William Koleszar
Justin, Amanda, and Chloe Kontzen
Michael, Jessica, and Miriam Koprucki
Chris Krato
Marc Krawitz
Riley Kross
Jesicca Kubat
David Kuhn
Andy and Christy Kuklinski
Coby Kutcher
Olaf Kutsch
Lexi Kwak

David Kachelhofer
Jennifer Kampsnider
Dominique Kantor
Justin Karl
Michael and Susanna Kase
Maria Katz
Tom and Sharon Keane
Will Keene
Elise Keister
Ty Keith
Marty and Leland Keller
Bill Kelley
Danielle Kelly
Mark Kelly
Michael Kelly
Lisa Kendrick
Bill and Dianna Kennedy
Randal Kennedy
Owen and Tracy Kerley
Thomas Key
Laura Kezar
Alan and Lisa Kianoff
Gottfried Kibelka


Lou Lacey
Ladies Who Hike
Scott Lagace
Tyler Lahti
Franklin Lamar
Lucas Lamb
William Lamey
Nina Lance
Natalie Lane
Amanda Lang
Matthew Langdon
Madison Langston
Jerome and Joyce Lanning
Blake Lassiter
Matt Lathrop
Randy Law
Steve and Ellen Lawrence
MC Lawson
Schuyler Lawson
H Christopher Layton

Ray Linder
Brian and Jenna Lindsey
Liptrot Family
Clare Livingston
Ashia Lockhart
Andrew Logan
R. Daniel Long
Rachel and Clark Lopez
Stephanie Lorino
LaKeela Lowe
Shawn and Jennifer Lowe
Lewis and Michelle Lucas
Bruce Ludwick
Frances Lund
Wes Lybrand
Mary Lynde-Maas

Johnathan Leath
Beshaun Leavell
Bill Ledbetter
Sara Lee
Christy Lemak
Darcy Lenz
Don Leopard
Kim Lepley
Rachel Letcher
Faye and Robert Levin
Ric Lewallen
Nancy Lewandowski Grady
Delia Lewis
Haley Lewis
Kathie Lewis
Lyndie Lewis
Scott Lewis
Seth Lewis
Joe and Joyce Lichtenstein
Gina Linden


Ethan Maas
Steve MacCorkle
Sandy MacKay
Macknally Land Design
Maria Macksoud
Kayla and Steven MacNeil
Julie Maharrey
Hana Maiah
Greer Mallette
Laurie Malone
Sean Malone
Terra Manasco
Gerald Mange
John Manion
Barrett Mann
Lydia Marcus
William Marinos
Ken Marion
Madoline Markham
Michael Anne Markiewicz
Sheelia Marks
Gene Marlin
Katie Bee and Seton Marshall
Anne Marston
Bob Marston
Margaret Marston
Bo Martin
Brian Martin
Gordon and Margret Martin
John Paul Martin
Mary Martin
Natalie Martina
Jonathan Martinez
Stephanie Masters-Norton
Jennifer Mathews
Don Mauldin
Carol Maxwell
Wilson May
Eli Mayfield
Karen Maze
Kristie Mazzoni
Sam McAlilly

Paul Sparkman and Kristen
Dan McBrayer
Daniel McBride
Karen McCaffery
Chad McCowan
Candace McCreery
Doug McCullough
Paul Mcdaniel
Troy McDougald
Will and Mary McGarity
Jennifer McGee
Sara McGowan
Jared McGreevy
Peter McGriff
Mikaela Johnson and Kyle
Karen McIntyre
Tim Mckenzie
Kaye McKinley Carlisle
Lora Blackman and Bill
Christopher Mckleroy
Jenn McLain
Colby McLaughlin
Lauren McLendon
Connie McLernon
Andrew McMahon
Morgan McMahon
Dennis McMillian
Cheryl Killingsworth and
James McMinn
Michael McMorris
Katharine McMullen
Callie McQuaig
Maegan and Rich McRoberts
Simon and Terri McVey
Nathan McWain
Laura McWane
Lee Meadows
Kirsten Means
Alex Melonas

Tisha Melvin
Theresa Mendez
Bradley Mendrala
Jim Mersmann
Sherri Messimer
Theo Metz
John and Tammie Milledge
Andrea Miller
Charles Miller
Eric Miller
Marcy Miller
Palmer Miller
Preston Miller
Joanie Miree
Christopher, Lane, and
Whitney Mitchell
Ira and Anne Mitchell
Haruyo Miyagawa
Katie Moellering
Carmen and Andrew Molay
Tanner Moon
Kellie Mooney
Lindsay Moore
Jake Morgan
Cal Morris
Monica Morris
John and Chivon Morse
Kathryn Morse
Nancy Morse
Kathy Mouron
Jamie Murphree
Charles Murphrey
Melissa Murphy
Susan, Lee, & Mary Allen
Tom Murrell
Emma Mwangi


Tyler Newton
Jeff Nguyen
Paul Thibodeaux and Clare-Mai Nguyen
Anthony Nichols
Pennie Nichols
Lauren Nicholson
Shana NicholsonMorgan
Clara and Lee Nicolas
Mandy and Jamie Nobles
Tracie Noles-Ross
James Norris
John Norris
Rebecca Null
Randy Nunn
Ben and Madison Nye

Michele Nailen
Andre Natta
Andrea Mabry and Chris Nau
Heather Negley
Valeria Nelan
Jared Nelson
Joseph Nelson
Tim and Jayne Ness
William and Regina Neville
Abby Newberry
Collin and Michelle Newberry
Barbara Newman
Daniel Newman
David Newman
Jeff and Janet Newman
Lindsey Newman


Tyler O'Connor
Tobias O’Leary
Abraham Odrezin
Rachel Odzer
Morgan and Jayne Ogilvie
Heather Oliver
Jean Oliver
Jimmy Oliver
David Olsen
Joseph Olson
Ann Omura
Terri Osborne
Hans Paul and Lori Oswald
Spence and Justinn Overton
Chris Owens
Rachel Owens


Linda Palmer
Amber Palmier
Campbell Parker
Christy Parker
Don Parker
Benjamin Parks
Molly Parr
John Parris
Snookie Parrish
David Parsons
Krysta R Parsons
Matt Pasker
Gary and Crystal Pate
Madalyn Pate
Anthony Patterson
Raquel Patterson
Jay Patton
Avanti Paul
Angela Pauley
William and Sarah Paulk
Jacqui and Troxell Pautler
Daniel Payne
Melissa Payne
Chris Pegg
John Pellerin

Robert Pendley
Eric Perich
Emily Lawler and Sam Perna
Amanda Perry
David Perry
Amy Petersen
Maureen and Leo Pezzementi
Debbie and Sam Pezzillo
Ingrid, Celeste, Stella, and
Gabriela Pfau
Ian Philips
Meg Philips
Lola and Porter Phillips
Michael Phillips
Andrew Pierce
Elizabeth Pierce
Kristin Pierson
Lucy Pike
Yuri Pineda
Randy Pink
Jonathan and Honora Pinnick
Anthony Piti
Ann, Patrick, Connor, and
Daniel Pittman
Clinton Pittman

Adele Pitts
Robert and Gail Pless
Kelly Plyler
Jonathan Poole
Michelle Porter
Lynda Powell
Alyssa Prater
Shane Elmore and Kirk
Sally Price
Thomas and Louann Prince
Ingrid Propst
Hannah Pruitt
Nathan Barrett and Juliet
Louise Purdue
Tim and Nicole Putman
James Pyron


Amber and Milton Ragsdale
Clay and Anne Ragsdale
Randy and Brenda Raiford
Araceli Ramirez
Mike Randolph
Noah and Dylan Randolph
Jenny Rankin
William and Carolyn Ratliff
Jonathan Raulston
J Rawlins McKinney Jr.
Steve Ray
Red Bike Coffee
Mark Reed
Ryan Reed
Rhiannon Reese
Elberta Reid
Jim and Sally Reilly
Colin Reily
Rick and Susan Remy
Ellen Renfro
Alan Renfroe
Holly and David Resuehr
Adrienne Retief
Bob Farley and Michelle

Jimmie Reynolds
Richard Reynolds
Jacoby Rice
Amber Richards
Terry Richmond
Susan Riddle
Lacinda and Emily Riesland
Bobby Riggs
Leslie Riley
Iris Rinke-Hammer
Riser Family
Keats Rivas
Eric Roberts
Kelly Roberts
Matthew Roberts
Meg Roberts
John-Paul Robinson
Sheri and John Robinson
Kristen Rockett
Damaris Rogers
Katie Rogers
Missy Roll
Stephanie Rose
Christy Ross
Kayla Absher and Tom Rouse

Jamie Routman
Pelham Rowan
Caleb Rowe
Taylor Wood and Jaimie
Liz Rozzelle
Isabel Rubio
Bert and Linda Ruddock
Joseph Rudisell
Yvonne Rudolph
Brenda Ruffner
Ruffner Relics Antiques
Brian and Jennifer Rushing
Emily Rushing
Francis and Margaret Rushton
Gail and Deak Rushton
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Rushton
Jason Russell
Katherine Russo
Nathaniel Rutledge
Leigh Millican and Tom Ryan


Christel Sanchez
Cheryl Sandefer
Jennifer Sanders
Carlee Sanford
Julia Sanford
Mike and Leesa Sanford
Anamaria Santiago
Rebekah Savage
Edward Savela
Cathy Colburn and Al
Amy Schneider
Holly Schneider
Amy Schoenherr
Walter Schrading
Hailey Oliff and Natalie
Elba and Marty Schwartz
John and Pauline Scott
Kaleigh Scott
Robert Scott
Anne Marie Seibel
Edmund and Beth Seibels
Melissa Self Patrick
Scott Sellers
Micah Semon
Jessica Germany and Ed
Rosa Serra
Joy Service
Arthur and Joyce Serwitz
Kathryn Sesser-Dorné
Mallory Barnett and Johnnie
Jan Sharpe
Shane Sharpe
Jasmine Shaw
Peter Shearouse
Kevin Storr and Beth
Melinda Shelton
David Shepherd
Linda Sherk
Matthew Sherrill

Anne Shields
Ryan Shipman
Melissa Shultz-Jones
Corey Shum
Amy Sides
William B Sides
John Siegwart
Jonathan Simon
Troy Simon
Bob Sims
Eric and Rachel Sims
Kristina Sinclair
Jeff and Julie Singer
Laura and Jerry Sisson
Doug and Laura Skiles
Alex Skinner
Mandy Skutch
Justin Slaughter
Slawson Esq PC Attorney
Leigh Slay
Carl Sloan
Dan and Sharon Smart
Julia Smiertelny
Ann Smith
Berkley Smith
Bill and Becky Smith
Cassidy Smith
Deborah Smith
Elise Smith
Frederic Smith
Goodwin Smith
Houston Smith
Jacob Smith
Kate Smith
Mark Smith
Michael and Ruth Smith
Molly Smith
Nolan Smith
Rebekkah Smith
Tempe Smith
Timothy Hall and Kirsten
Undrella Smith
Walt Smith

Gabrielle and Robert Smyly
Lizzy Snider
Mariah Snipes
Adam Snyder
Gail Snyder
Jenny and Ken Sobaski
Mike Soike
Lauri and Weily Soong
Carly Speeg
Claire Speegle
Tracy Spence
Camille Spratling
Charlotte Stahl
Tara Stallworth Lee
Dennis Stanek
Emily Stauss
George Steele
Ann Stepanova
Hampton Stephens
Larry Stephens
Frankie Stephenson
Beth Stewart
Kyle Stichtenoth
Dotty Still
Barrie Stokes
William P Stribling
Mariah Strickland
Jim Stubbs
Jon Studstill
Ben Stuenkel
Nancy Stuenkel
Ana Sullivan
David Sullivan
Kelley Swatzell
Brenna Sweetman
Elizabeth Swift
Randy Swofford
Michael Sznajderman


Terri Tingle
Shirley Todd
Anthony Tortomase
Janelle Townes
David Townsend
Laura Townsend
Beth Trammell
Taylor Trammell
John Trawick
Tristan Trechsel
Catherine Tucker
Ethan Tucker
Sarah Tucker
Hannah Kay Tucker-Flarity
Alina Tuganova
Lisa Harris and Phil Turkett
Albert Turner
Danica Turner
Jerri Turner
Cumbee Tyndal
Kyle Tyree
Arthur Tyson
Bridget Tytler

Dean Taitz
Kelly and Kyle Talley
Kate Tankersley
Bob and Ann Tate
Melva Tate
Tate & Associates, LLC
Caroline Taylor
Jake Taylor
Robert Janssen and Stevie Taylor
Ryan and Kelleigh Taylor
Janet Simpson-Templin and Jason Templin
Christina Terrell
Josh Thomas
Orlando Thomas
Katie Thompson
Rob Thompson
Savannah Thompson
Melanie Thorn
Denyse Thornley-Brown
Danielle Thornton
Emily Thornton West
Sarah Thurmond
Patti Tichenor


Matthew Uelmen
Erin Underwood
Madison Underwood
Tom and Jane Underwood
Robert Ungerbuehler


Greta Valenti
Jessica Findley Valentin and Fernando Valentin
Dr. David E Vance
Karan Vance
Phil Vanderkamp
John Vanover
Pete VanZandt
Ashley Vaske
Steve Vatalaro
Brannon and Jane Vines
Jansen Voss


Bex Wachs
Todd and Dawn Wachs
Peter, Patricia, and Arthur
William and Aria Walker
Sadie Wall
Hunter Walls
Jen Wammack
Adrian Ward
Sheila Ward-Adcock
Jameson Ware
Gary Warner
Sarah Warren
Taylor Warren
Darryl Washington
Brian Watkins
Hannah Wayland
Philip Foster and Diann
Charles Weaver
Lauren Weber
Steven Weber
Kassi Webster
Rodger Murphree and Jill
Billy Weems
Nathan and Katie Weinart
Kim and Pete Weinheimer
Daniel Welch
Glenn and Lee Welden

Robert Wells
Don and Lynda Wendorf
Caroline West
Clayton West
Jack West
The Westervelt Company
Prince Whatley
Dena Whitaker
Meade Whitaker
Andrea and Goodloe White
Jeff White
Morgan White
Rachel White
Joe Whitehead
Daniel Whitsett
Paige Whitt
Jason Wicker
Steve Wideman
Rebecca Wilcox
Aushanda and JaKeta
Christian Williams
Councilor Hunter Williams
Ginny Williams
Nick Williams
Ronald Williams
Sarah Williams
Tiffany Arnold and Daniel
Winter Williams

Grace Willson
Christine and Joe Wilson
Liz Wilson
Meaghan Wilson
Vicky Wilson
Hunter Wimberley
Kerry Wingo
Elena Wisse
Caitlin Wittkop
Rachel and Marcus Witzel
Will Womack
Kim Wood
Wayne and Dorothy Wood
William Woodall
Reggie Woods
Henry Hughes and Lois
Sarah Worth
Julia Wortham
Will Wright
David and Linda Wurstner
Ken Wyatt


Emily and Neal Yancey
Tom and Caroline Yeilding
Melissa Yes
Michael and Carole Yester
Janet Yother
Erica McGrath and David Young
Marj Young
Thomas Yuill


Doug Zeiger