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Carmen Molay, Membership Coordinator

Carmen is a bit of a renaissance woman, her interests ranging from world travel, to making crafts at home (which she sometimes doesn’t actually finish), to video games and horror flicks, to the classic t.v. show, I Love Lucy. She has even been known to rescue animals from time to time. Simply put, her wide-ranging intelligence finds into way into any and all corners, which makes her an invaluable part of the team at Ruffner Mountain. Carmen holds a Master’s Degree in Secondary Education from Samford University. She considers Hawaii her second home, a place where she and her family would often visit on family vacations. In all of her travels, Carmen has appreciated more than anything else the vivid array of ecosystems and myriad wildlife all over the world. It was this love of the natural world which finally brought her to Ruffner, where you can find her most days typing away on her computer, mostly likely with a smile on her face.