River Otter Sighting at the Wetlands

So, this happened! Rick Remy hiked to the Wetlands to see if he could get a glimpse of some early bird migrants, but the highlight of the morning was an only-by-chance sighting of a river otter family in the middle pond. Rick was wowed by the encounter. They were rolling around, swimming on their backs, splashing, and making little chirping sounds. So exciting! Thanks, Rick, for the great documentation!

From Ruffner Conservation Director, Jamie Nobles: “River otters prefer clean, healthy water and undisturbed habitats, which may limit them to certain rivers, creeks and streams. We should take this sighting as a compliment for the quality of habitat we are providing, even if these otters are just passing through.”

Read more about the otter sighting from Bham Now by clicking the link below!

What Happened in Montgomery: Uniting Our Greenways

Over the last three years, a common question united the leadership and staff of Turkey Creek, Red Mountain Park, and Ruffner Mountain: 

How can we better serve our community together?

This question provided a foundation of trust allowing us to collaboratively develop a solution to care for large-acre greenspaces that serve multiple municipalities, districts, and citizens. 

Last month, Governor Ivey signed HB336, a bill led by Representative Rolanda Hollis and Senator Merika Coleman, and supported by the Jefferson County Legislative Delegation, officially establishing the Jefferson County Greenways Commission.

The Jefferson County Greenways Commission will oversee the maintenance and day-to-day operations at all three sites through a centralized approach, with shared staff, equipment, knowledge, expertise, and resources.  This marks a significant shift in how Jefferson County cares for its parks.

Thank you to the additional partners who joined in this effort to make an unprecedented investment in the future of regional greenspaces: The Jefferson County Commission and Jefferson County Department of Health; along with the cities of Birmingham, Homewood, Irondale, and Pinson; the State of Alabama; the Community Foundation of Greater Birmingham; the Alabama Power Foundation; and EBSCO Industries.

However, this culmination of effort, stakeholders, priorities, and resources is not our finish line. This is just the beginning of what we can accomplish when we move in the same direction together.

From all of us,

Carlee Sanford
Executive Director, Ruffner Mountain (and Turkey Creek) Nature Coalition
Interim Director, Red Mountain Park Foundation

T.C. McLemore
Public Affairs Manager, Peritus Public Relations
Former Director, Red Mountain Park Foundation

Roald Hazelhoff
Director, Southern Environmental Center at Birmingham Southern College

Web Weaver Season!

Wind it up! ‘Tis the season for the web weavers. In late summer, we like to look for orb weaving spiders in the Habitat Gardens. These spiders are fun to watch in the garden and not scary at all! The big and beautiful female Argiope aurantia (also known as the writing spider, zigzag spider, zipper spider, or black and yellow garden spider) weaves a large web with dry spokes and a sticky spiral in an open area between the plants. In the middle of the web, she weaves a bold zigzag, the stabilimentum. Resting head down, she waits for a meal. Sensing vibrations in the silken strands, the spider will prey on anything caught in the web. She’ll throw strands of silk from her abdomen and will wind and wrap up the prey while intermittently biting and injecting venom to paralyze and kill. The spider's venom begins to predigest the prey’s insides, eventually liquefying it completely for consumption.

Grasses Bloom, Too!

Do grasses bloom? Yes they do! Grass blooms might not be as showy as some of our favorite flowers (grasses don’t need showy flowers to attract pollinators since they’re wind pollinated), but the flowers are beautiful all the same. Hear a few of the native grasses showing out in Habitat Gardens now. Look close, instead of a petal, the flowering unit is called a spikelet. Spikelets are held in arrangements called inflorescences.

1. switchgrass (Panicum virgatum) makes a lovely backdrop with rattlesnake master (Eryngium yuccifolium) and compass plant (Silphium integrifolium).

2. switchgrass (Panicum virgatum)

3. sideoats grama (Bouteloua curtipendula)

4. big bluestem (Andropogon gerardi)

5. wild rye (Elymus sp.)

6. longleaf woodoats (Chasmanthium sessiliflorum)

New Litter Gitter at Turkey Creek Watershed

From Turkey Creek Nature Preserve Manager, Charles Yeager:

This morning, the Osprey Initiative and the Freshwater Land Trust installed a new Litter Gitter in the Turkey Creek watershed and we cannot wait to see the reduction in trash on our banks!

Thank you Commissioner Joe Knight for funding this project and your commitment to supporting Turkey Creek! This would not have been possible without the amazing determination of the local litter removal hero, Charline Whyte, who has been organizing efforts to clean up the banks of the creek and our roadsides for years. As a citizen volunteer, she saw a problem and took the personal initiative to do the work to fix it!

Go check it out for yourself, in action, at Pinson's Bicentennial Park!


The annual cicadas are emerging!

It’s fun to look for empty shells (exuvia) left behind on plants and tree trunks. As some of the most common species of cicadas here around Birmingham (morning, lyric, dog day, scissor grinder, and dusk-singing) emerge, the buzzing sounds and variety of songs become the loudest and most rhythmic tones in the Alabama summer soundtrack (look for our reel from August 2021 in stories).

Our annual cicadas (these are the species we see every year, not the 13 and 17-year periodicals) emerge after spending two to five years living underground in their nymph forms. Once they burrow out of their tunnels, they climb up vegetation or other structures, shed their exoskeletons, pump hemolymph (insect blood) into their shriveled wings, and morph into flying adults. Male cicadas sing using their tymbals (sound-producing structures on either side of the abdomen under the wings). They sing, and buzz to call a mate. After mating, females will cut slits into twigs with her ovipositor and lay clusters of eggs. Eggs hatch, the small nymphs drop to the ground, burrow into the soil, begin to feed on the roots of trees, and the life cycle repeats. Adult cicadas die in about three to four weeks after emergence.