Hiking in the Heat

Excessive heat warning— Be careful out there!

If you’re not used to hiking (especially in this heat), don’t start now. Wait until more favorable conditions. Hiking in excessive heat can be dangerous. But if you must hike, we offer a few tips for dealing with the heat:

- Start early when it’s cooler

- Choose a flat trail that is open and offers airflow and shade

- Wear loose-fitting, breathable clothing

- Wear a hat, and take along a wet bandanna to help keep you cool

- Drink plenty of water throughout your hike

- Slow your stroll

For flat and open trails, we recommend starting at the Eastern Trailhead and taking an easy stroll rather than a power walk. From the parking lot on Ruffner Road, the wide path connects with the Pipeline Trail and to Lizard Loop Trail. Taking the Pipeline Trail to the Wetlands Trail will offer shade and seating at the Wetlands destination. You can find the Preserve Map on our website here.

Photos by Van Coffey, Land Steward